Introduction to the CLI
The aelf-command tool is a Command Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with an aelf node. This guide shows you its key features and how to use them.
- Configuration Management: Set and get settings like
,data directory
, andpassword
. - Interactive Prompts: Helps new users by asking for missing parameters.
- Account Management: Create or load
with a private key or mnemonic. - Wallet Information: Show details like private key, address, public key, and mnemonic.
- Encryption: Save account info in
format. - Blockchain Interaction:
- Get the chain's
best height
. - Get
block information
by height or block hash. - Get
transaction results
by transaction ID. - Send transactions or call read-only methods on smart contracts.
- Deploy smart contracts.
- Use
(Read-Eval-Print Loop) for JavaScript interactions with the chain.
- Get the chain's
- User Interface: Uses chalk and ora for better visuals.
- Chain Status: Get the current status of the chain.
- Proposal Management: Create proposals on any contract method.
- Transaction Deserialization: Read results from transactions.
- Server: Start a server for dApps.
To install the aelf-command tool globally, use npm:
npm install aelf-command -g
Using aelf-command
First Step
Create a new account or load an existing account using a private key
or mnemonic
Create a New Wallet
aelf-command create
Example output:
Your wallet info is:
Mnemonic: great mushroom loan crisp ... door juice embrace
Private Key: e038eea7e151eb451ba2901f7...b08ba5b76d8f288
Public Key: 0478903d96aa2c8c0...6a3e7d810cacd136117ea7b13d2c9337e1ec88288111955b76ea
Address: 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
✔ Save account info into a file? … no / yes
✔ Enter a password … ********
✔ Confirm password … ********
Account info has been saved to "/Users/young/.local/share/aelf/keys/2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr...Gi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H.json"
Load Wallet from Private Key
aelf-command load e038eea7e151eb451ba2901f7...b08ba5b76d8f288
Example output:
Your wallet info is:
Private Key: e038eea7e151eb451ba2901f7...b08ba5b76d8f288
Public Key: 0478903d96aa2c8c0...6a3e7d810cacd136117ea7b13d2c9337e1ec88288111955b76ea
Address: 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
✔ Save account info into a file? … no / yes
✔ Enter a password … ********
✔ Confirm password … ********
Account info has been saved to "/Users/young/.local/share/aelf/keys/2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr...Gi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H.json"
Show Wallet Info
aelf-command wallet -a 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
Example output:
Your wallet info is:
Private Key: e038eea7e151eb451ba2901f7...b08ba5b76d8f288
Public Key: 0478903d96aa2c8c0...6a3e7d810cacd136117ea7b13d2c9337e1ec88288111955b76ea
Address: 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
Interactive Console
aelf-command console -a 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
✔ Enter the URI of an AElf node:
✔ Enter the password you typed when creating a wallet … ********
✔ Succeed!
Welcome to aelf interactive console. Ctrl + C to terminate the program. Double tap Tab to list objects
║ ║
║ AElf | imported from aelf-sdk ║
║ aelf | the instance of an aelf-sdk, connect to ║
║ | ║
║ _account | the instance of an AElf wallet, address ║
║ | is ║
║ | 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR… ║
║ | 5oGin1sys6H ║
║ ║
Default Parameters
aelf-command console
✔ Enter the URI of an AElf node:
✔ Enter a valid wallet address, if you don't have, create one by aelf-command create … 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
✔ Enter the password you typed when creating a wallet … ********
✔ Succeed!
Welcome to aelf interactive console. Ctrl + C to terminate the program. Double tap Tab to list objects
║ ║
║ AElf | imported from aelf-sdk ║
║ aelf | the instance of an aelf-sdk, connect to ║
║ | ║
║ _account | the instance of an AElf wallet, address ║
║ | is ║
║ | 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR… ║
║ | 5oGin1sys6H ║
║ ║
To get help, use:
aelf-command -h
Output example:
Usage: aelf-command [command] [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-e, --endpoint <URI> The URI of an aelf node. Eg:
-a, --account <account> The address of aelf wallet
-p, --password <password> The password of encrypted keyStore
-d, --datadir <directory> The directory that contains the aelf related files. Defaults to {home}/.local/share/aelf
-h, --help output usage information
call [contract-address|contract-name] [method] [params] Call a read-only method on a contract.
send [contract-address|contract-name] [method] [params] Execute a method on a contract.
get-blk-height Get the current block height of specified chain
get-chain-status Get the current chain status
get-blk-info [height|block-hash] [include-txs] Get a block info
get-tx-result [tx-id] Get a transaction result
console Open a node REPL
create [options] [save-to-file] Create a new account
wallet Show wallet details which include private key, address, public key and mnemonic
load [private-key|mnemonic] [save-to-file] Load wallet from a private key or mnemonic
proposal [proposal-contract] [organization] [expired-time] Send a proposal to an origination with a specific contract method
deploy [category] [code-path] Deprecated! Please use `aelf-command send` , check details in aelf-command ``
config <flag> [key] [value] Get, set, delete or list aelf-command config
event [tx-id] Deserialize the result returned by executing a transaction
dapp-server [options] Start a dAPP SOCKET.IO server
To get help for a sub-command, such as call, use:
aelf-command call -h
Output example:
Usage: aelf-command call [options] [contract-address|contract-name] [method] [params]
Call a read-only method on a contract.
-h, --help output usage information
aelf-command call <contractName|contractAddress> <method> <params>
aelf-command call <contractName|contractAddress> <method>
aelf-command call <contractName|contractAddress>
aelf-command call
For the interactive console:
aelf-command console -h
Output example:
Usage: aelf-command console [options]
Open a node REPL
-h, --help output usage information
aelf-command console