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Commands Overview

Specific configuration

Common Options

datadir: Directory containing aelf-command files, including encrypted account info keyStore files. Default: {home}/.local/share/aelf

endpoint: The RPC service endpoint.

account: The account used to interact with the blockchain endpoint.

password: The password to unlock the given account.

You can set these options in several ways, in order of priority from low to high:

  1. Environment Variables

    # Set datadir
    $ export AELF_CLI_DATADIR=/Users/{you}/.local/share/aelf

    # Set endpoint
    $ export AELF_CLI_ENDPOINT=

    # Set account
    $ export AELF_CLI_ACCOUNT=2Ue31YTuB5Szy7c...gtGi5uMQBYarYUR5oGin1sys6H
  2. Global Config File

    • The global config file is located in <datadir>/.aelfrc. Avoid modifying this file manually.
    • Use the aelf-command config to modify the global config file.

Config Command

set: Save configuration in the global .aelfrc file.

$ aelf-command config set endpoint
✔ Succeed!

get: Retrieve a value from the global .aelfrc file.

$ aelf-command config get endpoint

delete: Remove a key-value pair from the global .aelfrc file.

$ aelf-command config delete endpoint
✔ Succeed!

list: List all configurations stored in the global .aelfrc file.

$ aelf-command config list


$ aelf-command config -h
Usage: aelf-command config [options] <flag> [key] [value]

Get, set, delete or list aelf-command config

-h, --help output usage information


aelf-command config get <key>
aelf-command config set <key> <value>
aelf-command config delete <key>
aelf-command config list

Working Directory Config File

The current working directory can also have a .aelfrc file. The format is the same as the global .aelfrc file:

password yourpassword

Each line contains a <key, value> pair separated by a whitespace.

CLI Parameters

You can pass common options directly as CLI parameters:

$ aelf-command console -a sadaf -p yourpassword -e

Options given in higher priority (e.g., CLI parameters) will overwrite those with lower priority (e.g., environment variables).

Specific orders(#command-details)

Create a New Account

Use the create command to create a new account.

$ aelf-command create -h
Usage: aelf-command create [options] [save-to-file]

-c, --cipher [cipher] Cipher algorithm to use (default: aes-128-ctr)
-h, --help Output usage information


$ aelf-command create
$ aelf-command create <save-to-file>
$ aelf-command create -c aes-128-cbc

By following this guide, you should be able to easily set up and use aelf for your Web3 applications. For more detailed information, please refer to the full aelf documentation.

Load - Load an Account by a Given Private Key or Mnemonic

This command allows you to load an account from a backup.

Load from Mnemonic:

$ aelf-command load 'impact fork bulk museum swap design draw arctic load option ticket across'

Load from Private Key:

$ aelf-command load '9a2c6023e8b2221f4b02f4ccc5128392c1bd968ae45a42fa62848d793fff148f'

Load from Prompting:

$ aelf-command load
? Enter a private key or mnemonic › 9a2c6023e8b2221f4b02f4ccc5128392c1bd968ae45a42fa62848d793fff148f

Wallet - Show Wallet Details

This command allows you to print wallet information, including the private key, address, public key, and mnemonic.


$ aelf-command wallet -a GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk
AElf [Info]: Mnemonic : impact fork bulk museum swap design draw arctic load option ticket across
AElf [Info]: Private Key : 9a2c6023e8b2221f4b02f4ccc5128392c1bd968ae45a42fa62848d793fff148f
AElf [Info]: Public Key : 04703bbe95e986c9d901f28edd60975a7a6c3b2dce41dfec2e7983d293c600e8249642a3da379c4194a6d62bd89afe6753e81acfc2b6bbf3b40736ee0949102071
AElf [Info]: Address : GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk

Proposal - Create a Proposal

There are three types of proposal contracts in aelf:

  • AElf.ContractNames.Parliament
  • AElf.ContractNames.Referendum
  • AElf.ContractNames.Association

Depending on your needs, you can choose one and create a proposal.

Get an Organization Address or Create One

Get the Default Organization's Address with the Parliament Contract

$ aelf-command call AElf.ContractNames.Parliament GetDefaultOrganizationAddress
✔ Fetching contract successfully!
✔ Calling method successfully!
AElf [Info]:
✔ Succeed!

aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG is the default organization address.

The default organization includes all miners; every proposal under AElf.ContractNames.Parliament requires over 2/3 miner approval to be released. Create an Organization with the Referendum Contract

$ aelf-command send AElf.ContractNames.Referendum
✔ Fetching contract successfully!
? Pick up a contract method: CreateOrganization

If you need to pass file contents as a parameter, you can enter the relative or absolute path of the file

Enter the params one by one, type `Enter` to skip optional param:
? Enter the required param <tokenSymbol>: ELF
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.minimalApprovalThreshold>: 1
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.maximalRejectionThreshold>: 0
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.maximalAbstentionThreshold>: 0
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.minimalVoteThreshold>: 1
? Enter the required param <proposerWhiteList.proposers>: ["GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk"]
? Enter the required param <creationToken>:
The params you entered is:
"tokenSymbol": "ELF",
"proposalReleaseThreshold": {
"minimalApprovalThreshold": 1,
"maximalRejectionThreshold": 0,
"maximalAbstentionThreshold": 0,
"minimalVoteThreshold": 1
"proposerWhiteList": {
"proposers": [
✔ Succeed!
AElf [Info]:
"TransactionId": "0106c04d7918d7634ad0ef9499b5366458d14ce87f735e4d39d3587052840bc1"
✔ Succeed!

Create a Proposal

$ aelf-command proposal
? Pick up a contract name to create a proposal: AElf.ContractNames.Parliament
? Enter an organization address: aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG
? Select the expired time for this proposal: 2222/07/03 13:09
? Optional, input an URL for proposal description:
? Enter a contract address or name: AElf.ContractNames.Token
✔ Fetching contract successfully!
? Pick up a contract method: Transfer

If you need to pass file contents as a parameter, you can enter the relative or absolute path of the file

Enter the params one by one, type `Enter` to skip optional param:
? Enter the required param <to>: GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk
? Enter the required param <symbol>: ELF
? Enter the required param <amount>: 100000000
? Enter the required param <memo>: test
AElf [Info]:
TransactionId: 'b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba'
✔ loading proposal id...
AElf [Info]: Proposal id: 1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f.
✔ Succeed!

You can get the proposal id, then get the proposal’s status.

Get Proposal Status

$ aelf-command call AElf.ContractNames.Parliament GetProposal 1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f
AElf [Info]:
"proposalId": "1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f",
"contractMethodName": "Transfer",
"toAddress": "ASh2Wt7nSEmYqnGxPPzp4pnVDU4uhj1XW9Se5VeZcX2UDdyjx",
"params": "CiIKICREfSjQ2i95I6kXpBdiFAMlQb2j0NGkyBlfPszMA0/HEgNFTEYYgMLXLyIEdGVzdA==",
"expiredTime": {
"seconds": "7968172181",
"nanos": 141000000
"organizationAddress": "aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG",
"proposer": "GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk",
"toBeReleased": false,
"approvalCount": "0",
"rejectionCount": "0",
"abstentionCount": "0"
✔ Succeed!

toBeReleased indicates whether you can release this proposal. By default, a proposal needs over 2/3 BP nodes' approval.

Release a Proposal

You can release a proposal when it gets approved.

$ aelf-command send AElf.ContractNames.Parliament Release 1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f
AElf [Info]:
{ TransactionId:
'09c8c824d2e3aea1d...cefe4e236c5b818d6a01d4f7ca0b60fe99535' }

Get the Transaction Result

Use the get-tx-result command to retrieve the details of the transaction:

$ aelf-command get-tx-result b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba
✔ Succeed!
AElf [Info]: {
"TransactionId": "b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba",
"Status": "MINED",
"Logs": [
"Address": "vcv1qewcsFN2tVWqLuu7DJ5wVFA8YEx5FFgCQBb1jMCbAQHxV",
"Name": "ProposalCreated",
"Indexed": [
"NonIndexed": "CiIKIB3yd7yjZhzXREP7u3EfxDHK2Mz9a7RhKNP56LDYhdw/"
"BlockNumber": 126568091,
"BlockHash": "facc33cd87f39ee1d9ad38ca96c5cea82040f58737ab0a9faa19bf48b8623dc4",
"Transaction": {
"From": "GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk",
"To": "vcv1qewcsFN2tVWqLuu7DJ5wVFA8YEx5FFgCQBb1jMCbAQHxV",
"RefBlockNumber": 126568085,
"RefBlockPrefix": "lpdm9g==",
"MethodName": "CreateProposal",
"Params": "{ \"contractMethodName\": \"Transfer\", \"toAddress\": \"ASh2Wt7nSEmYqnGxPPzp4pnVDU4uhj1XW9Se5VeZcX2UDdyjx\", \"params\": \"CiIKICREfSjQ2i95I6kXpBdiFAMlQb2j0NGkyBlfPszMA0/HEgNFTEYYgMLXLyIEdGVzdA==\", \"expiredTime\": \"2222-07-03T05:09:41.141Z\", \"organizationAddress\": \"aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG\" }",
"Signature": "B7RfSxydZK59oU6tqSK+Ojfo/VIvG92SVTUnGzN2bWER3uxuuhQ/axsSLbP28vjWYvPTfu+6i10W7y2Yl0ZrjQE="
"ReturnValue": "0a201df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f",
"Error": null,
"TransactionSize": 320

The command outputs detailed information about the transaction, including its status, logs, and related block information.

Decode the Logs for Readable Result

$ aelf-command event b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba

The results returned by
Transaction: b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba is:
"Address": "vcv1qewcsFN2tVWqLuu7DJ5wVFA8YEx5FFgCQBb1jMCbAQHxV",
"Name": "ProposalCreated",
"Indexed": [
"NonIndexed": "CiIKIB3yd7yjZhzXREP7u3EfxDHK2Mz9a7RhKNP56LDYhdw/",
"Result": {
"organizationAddress": "aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG",
"proposalId": "1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f"
✔ Succeed!

This command provides a readable format of the events logged by the transaction. The output includes details such as the address, event name, indexed data, non-indexed data, and a decoded result.

Summary of Decoded Event

organizationAddress: aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG proposalId: 1df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f

These steps and commands will help you retrieve and decode the transaction results on the ealf blockchain.

For more details, check the descriptions of aelf-command event.

Deploy a smart contract

Note: The deploy command has been deprecated. Please use aelf-command send or aelf-command proposal instead.

event - Deserialize Transaction Result

To view details from a transaction, including events triggered by contract methods, you can use the aelf-command event tool. Here’s how:

$ aelf-command event ef17ac2078c2b31a702b9edc754bfa56f1c37931f52f9dd8e2b9dc65769966b1

The results returned by
Transaction: ef17ac2078c2b31a702b9edc754bfa56f1c37931f52f9dd8e2b9dc65769966b1 is:
"Address": "ASh2Wt7nSEmYqnGxPPzp4pnVDU4uhj1XW9Se5VeZcX2UDdyjx",
"Name": "Transferred",
"Indexed": [
"NonIndexed": "IICglKWNHQ==",
"Result": {
"from": "2HeW7S9HZrbRJZeivMppUuUY3djhWdfVnP5zrDsz8wqq6hKMfT",
"to": "2eFtDbjWBDPJ6oNtRLjYuS5XrtjSzw4CnrCM79U1HjdvKkGYrF",
"symbol": "ELF",
"amount": "1000000000000"
✔ Succeed!


When you execute this command, you'll get details about the transaction with ID fe1974fde291e44e16c55db666f2c747323cdc584d616de05c88c8bae18ecceb. Here's what the output means:

  • from: Indicates the address of the sender, the initiator in the transaction
  • to: Indicates the address of the recipient, that is, the recipient in the transaction
  • symbol: Token symbol representing the transaction
  • amount: Represents the quantity or amount of a transaction.
  • Result: Decoded information from the event, providing readable details such as author, code hash, and address.

This command helps you understand what happened during a transaction, especially useful when dealing with events triggered by smart contracts.

send - Send a transaction

$ aelf-command send AElf.ContractNames.Referendum
✔ Fetching contract successfully!
? Pick up a contract method: CreateOrganization

If you need to pass file contents as a parameter, you can enter the relative or absolute path of the file

Enter the params one by one, type `Enter` to skip optional param:
? Enter the required param <tokenSymbol>: ELF
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.minimalApprovalThreshold>: 1
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.maximalRejectionThreshold>: 0
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.maximalAbstentionThreshold>: 0
? Enter the required param <proposalReleaseThreshold.minimalVoteThreshold>: 1
? Enter the required param <proposerWhiteList.proposers>: ["GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk"]
? Enter the required param <creationToken>:
The params you entered is:
"tokenSymbol": "ELF",
"proposalReleaseThreshold": {
"minimalApprovalThreshold": 1,
"maximalRejectionThreshold": 0,
"maximalAbstentionThreshold": 0,
"minimalVoteThreshold": 1
"proposerWhiteList": {
"proposers": [
✔ Succeed!
AElf [Info]:
"TransactionId": "0106c04d7918d7634ad0ef9499b5366458d14ce87f735e4d39d3587052840bc1"
✔ Succeed!

You can effectively send transactions on the aelf blockchain using the aelf-command send interface. Adjust parameters and contract names as necessary for different contract methods or system contracts within AElf.

call - Call a read-only method on a contract

$ aelf-command call AElf.ContractNames.Parliament GetDefaultOrganizationAddress
✔ Fetching contract successfully!
✔ Calling method successfully!
AElf [Info]:
✔ Succeed!

get-chain-status - Get the current status of the block chain

$ aelf-command get-chain-status
✔ Succeed
"ChainId": "AELF",
"Branches": {
"59937e3c16860dedf0c80955f4995a5604ca43ccf39cd52f936fb4e5a5954445": 4229086
"NotLinkedBlocks": {},
"LongestChainHeight": 4229086,
"LongestChainHash": "59937e3c16860dedf0c80955f4995a5604ca43ccf39cd52f936fb4e5a5954445",
"GenesisBlockHash": "da5e200259320781a1851081c99984fb853385153991e0f00984a0f5526d121c",
"GenesisContractAddress": "2gaQh4uxg6tzyH1ADLoDxvHA14FMpzEiMqsQ6sDG5iHT8cmjp8",
"LastIrreversibleBlockHash": "497c24ff443f5cbd33da24a430f5c6c5e0be2f31651bd89f4ddf2790bcbb1906",
"LastIrreversibleBlockHeight": 4229063,
"BestChainHash": "59937e3c16860dedf0c80955f4995a5604ca43ccf39cd52f936fb4e5a5954445",
"BestChainHeight": 4229086

get-tx-result - Get a transaction result

$ aelf-command get-tx-result b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba

AElf [Info]: {
"TransactionId": "b99c63fc8aa2572d1d8c7c65dd52ad01926ed985ce045e3c8ad3dabeb4c6f2ba",
"Status": "MINED",
"Logs": [
"Address": "vcv1qewcsFN2tVWqLuu7DJ5wVFA8YEx5FFgCQBb1jMCbAQHxV",
"Name": "ProposalCreated",
"Indexed": [
"NonIndexed": "CiIKIB3yd7yjZhzXREP7u3EfxDHK2Mz9a7RhKNP56LDYhdw/"
"BlockNumber": 126568091,
"BlockHash": "facc33cd87f39ee1d9ad38ca96c5cea82040f58737ab0a9faa19bf48b8623dc4",
"Transaction": {
"From": "GyQX6t18kpwaD9XHXe1ToKxfov8mSeTLE9q9NwUAeTE8tULZk",
"To": "vcv1qewcsFN2tVWqLuu7DJ5wVFA8YEx5FFgCQBb1jMCbAQHxV",
"RefBlockNumber": 126568085,
"RefBlockPrefix": "lpdm9g==",
"MethodName": "CreateProposal",
"Params": "{ \"contractMethodName\": \"Transfer\", \"toAddress\": \"ASh2Wt7nSEmYqnGxPPzp4pnVDU4uhj1XW9Se5VeZcX2UDdyjx\", \"params\": \"CiIKICREfSjQ2i95I6kXpBdiFAMlQb2j0NGkyBlfPszMA0/HEgNFTEYYgMLXLyIEdGVzdA==\", \"expiredTime\": \"2222-07-03T05:09:41.141Z\", \"organizationAddress\": \"aeXhTqNwLWxCG6AzxwnYKrPMWRrzZBskW3HWVD9YREMx1rJxG\" }",
"Signature": "B7RfSxydZK59oU6tqSK+Ojfo/VIvG92SVTUnGzN2bWER3uxuuhQ/axsSLbP28vjWYvPTfu+6i10W7y2Yl0ZrjQE="
"ReturnValue": "0a201df277bca3661cd74443fbbb711fc431cad8ccfd6bb46128d3f9e8b0d885dc3f",
"Error": null,
"TransactionSize": 320

get-blk-info - Get the block info by a block height or a block hash

Either a block height or a block hash can be provided as an argument to this sub-command.

$ aelf-command get-blk-info 7900508
✔ Succeed!
AElf [Info]:
BlockHash: 'e16e08c916765968de862b1358c618817f4ccc5c5c8f10d64e75e8208902f410',
Header: {
PreviousBlockHash: '6489ca5330884565b80de5de97cdcef5113bd1f1697b0bb561faabcef6505679',
MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions: 'e5e8482f2bbf7d9add7408552e34a746a4d6873866b0ac86ffd25d533236c3cd',
MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState: '7345ea86e722e18aa9eadb5a86ee91cf96fa66c756f72417d93520d3ab3dd5af',
MerkleTreeRootOfTransactionState: '3de130b601adb26673918126687308d6b37bcae3cba8fbc7bc66d63bbea28ccd',
Height: 7900508,
Time: '2022-07-19T09:46:41.1710063Z',
ChainId: 'tDVW',
SignerPubkey: '042d22105a57c1061dd3cf6e88bb319bf754576269deae586ed100c847cab1d3f1b55773c31f5e739670f53fd4f0d859fbba6bcf8d280f15de8dbbc451181517ab'
Body: {
TransactionsCount: 2,
Transactions: [
BlockSize: 1456

console - Open an interactive console

$ aelf-command console
✔ Succeed!
Welcome to aelf interactive console. Ctrl + C to terminate the program. Double tap Tab to list objects

║ ║
║ AElf | imported from aelf-sdk ║
║ aelf | instance of aelf-sdk, connect to ║
| ║
║ _account | instance of AElf wallet, wallet address ║
| is ║
| 2Ue31YTuB5Szy7cnr3SCEGU2gtGi5uMQBYarYUR… ║
| 5oGin1sys6H ║
║ ║

dapp-server - Start a server for supplying services for dApps

Are you developing a dApp and need an environment to manage wallet information and connect to the AElf chain? You can easily start a local development server using this sub-command.

$ aelf-command dapp-server
AElf [Info]: DApp server is listening on port 35443

Alternatively, you can specify a different port:

$ aelf-command dapp-server --port 40334
AElf [Info]: DApp server is listening on port 40334

This server uses to listen on the specified local port. You can use aelf-bridge to connect to this server with the following code:

import AElfBridge from 'aelf-bridge';

const bridgeInstance = new AElfBridge({
proxyType: 'SOCKET.IO',
socketUrl: 'http://localhost:35443',
channelType: 'ENCRYPT'

// Connect to dapp-server

For more details, check out the aelf-bridge and aelf-bridge-demo.