BoolState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper for boolean values in smart contract state.
BytesState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper for byte arrays in smart contract state.
CSharpSmartContractContext type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp
Represents the transaction execution context in a smart contract. Available in the base class for smart contracts (Context property). Provides access to properties and methods useful for implementing smart contract logic.
ChainId property
The chain ID of the chain where the contract runs.
CurrentBlockTime property
The time included in the current block's header.
CurrentHeight property
The height of the block containing the currently executing transaction.
Origin property
The address of the sender (signer) of the transaction. This value is constant, even for nested inline calls. It represents the entity that created the transaction (user or smart contract).
PreviousBlockHash property
The hash of the block preceding the current one in the blockchain.
Self property
The address of the contract currently being executed. This changes with every transaction and inline transaction.
Sender property
The sender of the currently executing transaction.
StateProvider property
Provides access to the underlying state provider.
TransactionId property
The ID of the currently executing transaction.
Variables property
Provides access to variables of the bridge.
Transaction property
Includes transaction info.
Call(fromAddress, toAddress, methodName, args) method
Calls a method on another contract.
The result of the call.
Name | Type | Description |
fromAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address to use as sender. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract you’re seeking to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method you want to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for calling that method. This is usually generated from the protobuf definition of the input type. |
Generic Types:
Name | Description |
T | The type of the return message |
ConvertHashToInt64(hash, start, end) method
Converts the input hash to a 64-bit signed integer.
The 64-bit signed integer.
Name | Type | Description |
hash | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash. |
start | System.Int64 | Inclusive lower bound of the number returned. |
end | System.Int64 | Exclusive upper bound of the number returned. |
Name | Description |
System.ArgumentException | startValue is less than 0 or greater than endValue. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddress(virtualAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address.
The converted address.
Name | Type | Description |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The virtual address to convert. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddress(virtualAddress, contractAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address with the contract address.
The converted address.
Name | Type | Description |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The virtual address to convert. |
contractAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddressWithContractHashName(virtualAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address with the current contract hash name.
The converted address.
Name | Type | Description |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The virtual address to convert. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddressWithContractHashName(virtualAddress, contractAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address with the contract hash name.
The converted address.
Name | Type | Description |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The virtual address to convert. |
contractAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address. |
DeployContract(address, registration, name) method
Deploy a new smart contract (only the genesis contract can call it).
Name | Type | Description |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the new smart contract. |
registration | AElf.Types.SmartContractRegistration | The registration of the new smart contract. |
name | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash value of the smart contract name. |
FireLogEvent(logEvent) method
This method is used to produce logs that can be found in the transaction result after execution.
Name | Type | Description |
logEvent | AElf.Types.LogEvent | The event to fire. |
GenerateId(contractAddress, bytes) method
Generate a hash type id based on the contract address and the bytes.
The generated hash type id.
Name | Type | Description |
contractAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address for id generation. |
bytes | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Byte> | The bytes for id generation. |
GetContractAddressByName(hash) method
Get the address of a system contract by its name hash. These hashes are in the SmartContractConstants.cs file.
The address of the system contract.
Name | Type | Description |
hash | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash of the name. |
GetPreviousBlockTransactions() method
Returns the transactions included in the previous block.
A list of transactions.
GetRandomHash(fromHash) method
Gets a random hash based on the input hash.
Random hash.
Name | Type | Description |
fromHash | AElf.Types.Hash | Hash. |
GetSystemContractNameToAddressMapping() method
Get the mapping of system contract addresses to their name hashes.
The addresses with their hashes.
GetZeroSmartContractAddress() method
Returns the address of the Genesis contract (smart contract zero) of the current chain.
The address of the genesis contract.
GetZeroSmartContractAddress(chainId) method
Returns the address of the Genesis contract (smart contract zero) of the specified chain.
The address of the genesis contract for the given chain.
Name | Type | Description |
chainId | System.Int32 | The chain’s ID. |
LogDebug(func) method
Logs information for debugging. Visible only when the node is in debug mode.
Name | Type | Description |
func | System.Func<System.String> | The logic for logging purposes. |
RecoverPublicKey() method
Recovers the public key of the transaction sender.
A byte array representing the public key.
SendInline(toAddress, methodName, args) method
Sends an inline transaction to another contract.
Name | Type | Description |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments, usually generated from protobuf. |
SendVirtualInline(fromVirtualAddress, toAddress, methodName, args) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction to another contract.
Name | Type | Description |
fromVirtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash for generating the virtual address. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments, usually generated from protobuf. |
SendVirtualInline(fromVirtualAddress, toAddress, methodName, args, logTransaction) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction to another contract and logs the transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fromVirtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash for generating the virtual address. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments, usually generated from protobuf. |
logTransaction | System.Boolean | Whether to log the inline transaction. |
SendVirtualInlineBySystemContract(fromVirtualAddress, toAddress, methodName, args) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction using a system smart contract.
Name | Type | Description |
fromVirtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash for generating the virtual address. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments, usually generated from protobuf. |
SendVirtualInlineBySystemContract(fromVirtualAddress, toAddress, methodName, args, logTransaction) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction using a system smart contract and logs the transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fromVirtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash for generating the virtual address. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the contract to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
args | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments, usually generated from protobuf. |
logTransaction | System.Boolean | Whether to log the inline transaction. |
UpdateContract(address, registration, name) method
Updates a smart contract (only the genesis contract can call it).
Name | Type | Description |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the smart contract. |
registration | AElf.Types.SmartContractRegistration | The registration of the contract. |
name | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash value of the contract name. |
ValidateStateSize(obj) method
Verifies that the state size is within the valid limit.
The state.
Name | Type | Description |
obj | System.Object | The state. |
Name | Description |
AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.StateOverSizeException | The state size exceeds the limit. |
VerifySignature(tx) method
Checks if the transaction is well-formed and the signature is correct.
The verification result.
Name | Type | Description |
tx | AElf.Types.Transaction | The transaction to verify. |
CheckContractVersion(previousContractVersion, registration) method
Checks the contract version when updating the contract (only the genesis contract can call it).
Name | Type | Description |
IsSubsequentVersion | System.Boolean | Whether the contract version is subsequent. |
Name | Type | Description |
previousContractVersion | System.String | The previous contract version. |
registration | AElf.Types.SmartContractRegistration | The registration of the contract. |
DeploySmartContract(address, registration, name) method
Deploys a new smart contract with a version (only the genesis contract can call it).
Name | Type | Description |
ContractVersion | System.String | The version of the smart contract. |
IsSubsequentVersion | System.Boolean | Whether the contract version is subsequent. |
Name | Type | Description |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the new smart contract. |
registration | AElf.Types.SmartContractRegistration | The registration of the contract. |
name | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash value of the contract name. |
UpdateSmartContract(address, registration, name, previousContractVersion) method
Updates a smart contract with a version (only the genesis contract can call it).
Name | Type | Description |
ContractVersion | System.String | The version of the smart contract. |
IsSubsequentVersion | System.Boolean | Whether the contract version is subsequent. |
Name | Type | Description |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The address of the smart contract. |
registration | AElf.Types.SmartContractRegistration | The registration of the contract. |
name | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash value of the contract name. |
previousContractVersion | System.String | The previous contract version. |
ECVrfVerify(pubKey, alpha, pi, beta) method
Verifies the ECVrf proof.
The verification result and the VRF hash output.
Name | Type | Description |
pubKey | byte[] | The public key. |
alpha | byte[] | The VRF hash input. |
pi | byte[] | The proof to be verified. |
beta | byte[] | The VRF hash output. |
CSharpSmartContract type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp
Base class for contracts written in C#. Generated code from protobuf definitions inherits from this class.
Generic Types
Name | Description |
TContractState | Type of the state class defined by the contract author. |
Context property
Represents the transaction execution context in a smart contract. Provides access to properties and methods for implementing the contract logic.
State property
Provides access to the State class instance.
ContractState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Base class for the state class in smart contracts.
Int32State type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper around 32-bit integer values for use in smart contract state.
Int64State type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper around 64-bit integer values for use in smart contract state.
MappedState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Key-value pair data structure used for representing state in contracts.
Generic Types
Name | Description |
TKey | The type of the key. |
TEntity | The type of the value. |
SingletonState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Represents single values of a given type for use in smart contract state.
SmartContractBridgeContextExtensions type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp
Extension methods to interact with the smart contract execution context.
Call(context, address, methodName, message) method
Calls a method on another contract.
The result of the call.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | The virtual address to use as sender. |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
Generic Types:
Name | Description |
T | The return type of the call. |
Call(context, address, methodName, message) method
Calls a method on another contract.
The result of the call.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Sdk.CSharp.CSharpSmartContractContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
Generic Types:
Name | Description |
T | The return type of the call. |
Call(context, fromAddress, toAddress, methodName, message) method
Calls a method on another contract.
The result of the call.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Sdk.CSharp.CSharpSmartContractContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
fromAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The address to use as sender. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
Generic Types:
Name | Description |
T | The return type of the call. |
ConvertToByteString(message) method
Serializes a protobuf message to a ByteString.
ByteString.Empty if the message is null.
Name | Type | Description |
message | Google.Protobuf.IMessage | The message to serialize. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddress(this, virtualAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash Address | The virtual address to convert. |
ConvertVirtualAddressToContractAddressWithContractHashName(this, virtualAddress) method
Converts a virtual address to a contract address with the current contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
virtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash Address | The virtual address to convert. |
Fire(context, eventData) method
Logs an event during a transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Sdk.CSharp.CSharpSmartContractContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
eventData | The event to log. |
Generic Types:
Name | Description |
T | The type of the event. |
GenerateId(this, bytes) method
Generates a hash type ID based on the current contract address and the bytes.
Returns: The generated hash type ID.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
bytes | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Byte} | The bytes for ID generation. |
GenerateId(this, token) method
Generates a hash type ID based on the current contract address and the token.
The generated hash type ID.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
token | System.String | The token for ID generation. |
GenerateId(this, token) method
Generates a hash type ID based on the current contract address and the hash type token.
Returns: The generated hash type ID.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
token | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash type token for ID generation. |
GenerateId(this) method
Generates a hash type ID based on the current contract address.
Returns: The generated hash type ID.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
GenerateId(this, address, token) method
Generates a hash type ID based on the address and the bytes.
The generated hash type ID.
Name | Type | Description |
this | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
address | AElf.Types.Address | The address for ID generation. |
token | AElf.Types.Hash | The hash type token for ID generation. |
SendInline(context, toAddress, methodName, message) method
Sends an inline transaction to another contract.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
SendInline(context, toAddress, methodName, message) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction to another contract.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
SendVirtualInline(context, fromVirtualAddress, toAddress, methodName, message) method
Sends a virtual inline transaction to another contract.
Name | Type | Description |
context | AElf.Kernel.SmartContract.ISmartContractBridgeContext | An instance of ISmartContractBridgeContext. |
fromVirtualAddress | AElf.Types.Hash | The virtual address to use as sender. |
toAddress | AElf.Types.Address | The contract address to interact with. |
methodName | System.String | The name of the method to call. |
message | Google.Protobuf.ByteString | The input arguments for the method. |
SmartContractConstants type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp
Static class containing the hashes built from contract names.
StringState type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper around string values for use in smart contract state.
UInt32State type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper around unsigned 32-bit integer values for use in smart contract state.
UInt64State type
Namespace: AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State
Wrapper around unsigned 64-bit integer values for use in smart contract state.