Builder type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.ServerServiceDefinition
Builder class for ServerServiceDefinition.
ctor() constructor
Creates a new instance of builder.
AddMethod``2(method, handler) method
Adds a definition for a single request - single response method.
This builder instance.
Name | Type | Description |
method | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | The method. |
handler | AElf.CSharp.Core.UnaryServerMethod | The method handler. |
Build() method
Creates an immutable ServerServiceDefinition from this builder.
The ServerServiceDefinition object.
EncodingHelper type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Utils
Helper class for serializing strings.
EncodeUtf8(str) method
Serializes a UTF-8 string to a byte array.
The serialized string.
Name | Type | Description |
str | System.String | The string to encode. |
IMethod type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
A non-generic representation of a remote method.
FullName property
Gets the fully qualified name of the method. On the server side, methods are dispatched based on this name.
Name property
Gets the unqualified name of the method.
ServiceName property
Gets the name of the service to which this method belongs.
Type property
Gets the type of the method.
Marshaller type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Encapsulates the logic for serializing and deserializing messages.
ctor(serializer, deserializer) constructor
Initializes a new marshaller from simple serialize/deserialize functions.
Name | Type | Description |
serializer | System.Func | Function for serializing messages. |
deserializer | System.Func | Function for deserializing messages. |
Deserializer property
Gets the deserializer function.
Serializer property
Gets the serializer function.
Marshallers type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Utilities for creating marshallers.
StringMarshaller property
Returns a marshaller for string type. Useful for testing.
Create() method
Creates a marshaller from specified serializer and deserializer.
MethodType type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Constants for method types.
Action constants
Indicates the method modifies the contract state.
View constants
Indicates the method doesn't modify the contract state.
Method type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
A description of a remote method.
ctor(type, serviceName, name, requestMarshaller, responseMarshaller) constructor
Initializes a new instance of the Method class.
Name | Type | Description |
type | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | Type of method. |
serviceName | System.String | Name of service this method belongs to. |
name | System.String | Unqualified name of the method. |
requestMarshaller | AElf.CSharp.Core.Marshaller | Marshaller used for request messages. |
responseMarshaller | AElf.CSharp.Core.Marshaller | Marshaller used for response messages. |
FullName property
Gets the fully qualified name of the method. On the server side, methods are dispatched based on this name.
Name property
Gets the unqualified name of the method.
RequestMarshaller property
Gets the marshaller used for request messages.
ResponseMarshaller property
Gets the marshaller used for response messages.
ServiceName property
Gets the name of the service to which this method belongs.
Type property
Gets the type of the method.
GetFullName() method
Gets the full name of the method including the service name.
Preconditions type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Utils
Utilities for checking preconditions.
CheckNotNull(reference) method
Throws ArgumentNullException if reference is null.
Name | Type | Description |
reference | Any | The reference. |
CheckNotNull(reference, paramName) method
Throws ArgumentNullException if reference is null.
Name | Type | Description |
reference | Any | The reference. |
paramName | System.String | The parameter name. |
SafeMath type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Helper methods for safe math operations that explicitly check for overflow.
ServerServiceDefinition type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Stores mapping of methods to server call handlers. Normally, created by the BindService factory method.
BindService() method
Forwards all the previously stored AddMethod calls to the service binder.
CreateBuilder() method
Creates a new builder object for ServerServiceDefinition.
The builder object.
ServiceBinderBase type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Allows binding server-side method implementations in alternative serving stacks.
AddMethod(method, handler) method
Adds a definition for a single request - single response method.
Name | Type | Description |
method | AElf.CSharp.Core.Method | The method. |
handler | AElf.CSharp.Core.UnaryServerMethod | The method handler. |
TimestampExtensions type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core.Extension
Helper methods for dealing with protobuf timestamps.
AddDays(timestamp, days) method
Adds a given amount of days to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
days | System.Int64 | The amount of days. |
AddHours(timestamp, hours) method
Adds a given amount of hours to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
hours | System.Int64 | The amount of hours. |
AddMilliseconds(timestamp, milliseconds) method
Adds a given amount of milliseconds to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
milliseconds | System.Int64 | The amount of milliseconds. |
AddMinutes(timestamp, minutes) method
Adds a given amount of minutes to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
minutes | System.Int64 | The amount of minutes. |
AddSeconds(timestamp, seconds) method
Adds a given amount of seconds to a timestamp. Returns a new instance.
A new timestamp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The timestamp. |
seconds | System.Int64 | The amount of seconds. |
Max(timestamp1, timestamp2) method
Compares two timestamps and returns the greater one.
The greater timestamp.
Name | Type | Description |
timestamp1 | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The first timestamp. |
timestamp2 | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp | The second timestamp. |
Milliseconds(duration) method
Converts a protobuf duration to long.
The duration represented as a long.
Name | Type | Description |
duration | Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Duration | The duration to convert. |
UnaryServerMethod type
Namespace: AElf.CSharp.Core
Handler for a contract method.
Generic Types
Name | Description |
TRequest | Request message type for this method |
TResponse | Response message type for this method |