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aelf-sdk.php - aelf PHP API


aelf-sdk.php for aelf is similar to web.js for Ethereum. It consists of libraries that enable interaction with a local or remote aelf node via HTTP.

This documentation will guide you through the installation and usage of aelf-sdk.php, with examples included. For more information, visit the aelf-sdk.php repository.

Adding aelf PHP SDK

To install the library via Composer, run the following commands in your console:

composer require aelf/aelf-sdk dev-dev
composer require curl/curl

If you cloned the SDK directly, you must install Composer and run it in the root directory:

"require": {
"aelf/aelf-sdk": "dev-dev"


1. Create an Instance

Create a new instance of AElf and connect to an AELF chain node. Using this instance, you can call the AElf APIs.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AElf\AElf;

$url = '';
$aelf = new AElf($url);

2. Get a System Contract Address

Get a system contract address. For example, to get the address of AElf.ContractNames.Token:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AElf\AElf;
use AElf\Protobuf\Generated\Hash;

$url = '';
$aelf = new AElf($url);

$privateKey = 'cd86ab6347d8e52bbbe8532141fc59ce596268143a308d1d40fedf385528b458';
$bytes = new Hash();
$bytes->setValue(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Token')));
$contractAddress = $aelf->GetContractAddressByName($privateKey, $bytes);

3. Send a Transaction

Get the contract address and then send a transaction.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AElf\AElf;
use BitWasp\Bitcoin\Key\PrivateKeyFactory;

$url = '';
$aelf = new AElf($url);

$privateKey = 'cd86ab6347d8e52bbbe8532141fc59ce596268143a308d1d40fedf385528b458';
$aelfEcdsa = new BitcoinECDSA();
$publicKey = $aelfEcdsa->getUncompressedPubKey();
$address = $aelfEcdsa->hash256(hex2bin($publicKey));
$address = $address . substr($aelfEcdsa->hash256(hex2bin($address)), 0, 8);
$base58Address = $aelfEcdsa->base58_encode($address);

$params = new Hash();
$params->setValue(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Vote')));
$methodName = "GetContractAddressByName";
$toAddress = $aelf->getGenesisContractAddress();

$transactionObj = $aelf->generateTransaction($base58Address, $toAddress, $methodName, $params);
$signature = $aelf->signTransaction($privateKey, $transactionObj);

$executeTransactionDtoObj = ['RawTransaction' => bin2hex($transactionObj->serializeToString())];
$result = $aelf->sendTransaction($executeTransactionDtoObj);


You can access the Web API of your aelf node at:


Example: For a local address:

Before using the methods, make sure you have an instance of AElf:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AElf\AElf;
// create a new instance of AElf
$url = '';
$aelf = new AElf($url);

1. Get Chain Status

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/chainStatus

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • Array
      • ChainId - String
      • Branches - Array
      • NotLinkedBlocks - Array
      • LongestChainHeight - Integer
      • LongestChainHash - String
      • GenesisBlockHash - String
      • GenesisContractAddress - String
      • LastIrreversibleBlockHash - String
      • LastIrreversibleBlockHeight - Integer
      • BestChainHash - String
      • BestChainHeight - Integer
  • Example :

// create a new instance of AElf
$aelf = new AElf($url);

$chainStatus = $aelf->getChainStatus();

2. Get Block Height

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/blockHeight

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns: Integer

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$height = $aelf->getBlockHeight();

3. getBlock

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/block

  • Parameters:

    • block_hash (String)
    • include_transactions (Boolean)
  • Returns:

    • Array
      • BlockHash - String
      • Header - Array
        • PreviousBlockHash - String
        • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - String
        • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - String
        • Extra - List
        • Height - Integer
        • Time - String
        • ChainId - String
        • Bloom - String
        • SignerPubkey - String
      • Body - Array
        • TransactionsCount - Integer
        • Transactions - Array
          • transactionId - String
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);
$block2 = $aelf->getBlockByHash($block['BlockHash'], false);

4. Get Block by Height

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/blockByHeight

  • Parameters:

    • block_height (Number)
    • include_transactions (Boolean)
  • Returns:

    • Array
      • BlockHash - String
      • Header - Array
        • PreviousBlockHash - String
        • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - String
        • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - String
        • Extra - List
        • Height - Integer
        • Time - String
        • ChainId - String
        • Bloom - String
        • SignerPubkey - String
      • Body - Array
        • TransactionsCount - Integer
        • Transactions - Array
          • transactionId - String
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);

5. Get Transaction Result

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionResult

  • Parameters:

    • transactionId (String)
  • Returns:

    • Object
      • TransactionId - String
      • Status - String
      • Logs - Array
        • Address - String
        • Name - String
        • Indexed - Array
        • NonIndexed - String
      • Bloom - String
      • BlockNumber - Integer
      • Transaction - Array
        • From - String
        • To - String
        • RefBlockNumber - Integer
        • RefBlockPrefix - String
        • MethodName - String
        • Params - json
        • Signature - String
          • transactionId - String
      • ReadableReturnValue - String
      • Error - String
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);
$transactionResult = $aelf->getTransactionResult($block['Body']['Transactions'][0]);

6. Get Multiple Transaction Results

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionResults

  • Parameters:

    • blockHash (String)
    • offset (Number)
    • limit (Number)
  • Returns:

    • List - The array of method descriptions:
      • the transaction result object
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);
$transactionResults = $aelf->getTransactionResults($block['Body']);

7. Get Transaction Pool Status

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionPoolStatus

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$status = $aelf->getTransactionPoolStatus();

8. Send Transaction

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/sendTransaction

  • Method: POST

  • Parameters:

    • transaction (String)
  • Example :

$params = new Hash();
$params->setValue(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Vote')));
$transaction = buildTransaction($aelf->getGenesisContractAddress(), 'GetContractAddressByName', $params);
$executeTransactionDtoObj = ['RawTransaction' => bin2hex($transaction->serializeToString())];
$result = $aelf->sendTransaction($executeTransactionDtoObj);

9. Send Multiple Transactions

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/sendTransactions

  • Method:POST

  • Parameters:

    • transactions (String)
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$paramsList = [$params1, $params2];
$rawTransactionsList = [];
foreach ($paramsList as $param) {
$transactionObj = buildTransaction($toAddress, $methodName, $param);
$rawTransactions = bin2hex($transactionObj->serializeToString());
array_push($rawTransactionsList, $rawTransactions);
$sendTransactionsInputs = ['RawTransactions' => implode(',', $rawTransactionsList)];
$listString = $aelf->sendTransactions($sendTransactionsInputs);

10. Get Peers

  • API Path: /api/net/peers

  • Example :


11. Add Peer

  • API Path: /api/net/peer

  • Method: POST

  • Parameters:

    • peer_address (String)
  • Example :


12. Remove Peer

  • API Path: /api/net/peer

  • Parameters:

    • peer_address (String)
  • Example :


13. Create Raw Transaction

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/rawTransaction

  • Method: POST

  • Parameters:

    • transaction (Array)
  • Returns:

    • Array
      • RawTransaction - hex string bytes generated by transaction information
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$status = $aelf->getChainStatus();
$params = base64_encode(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Consensus')));
$param = array('value' => $params);
$transaction = [
"from" => $aelf->getAddressFromPrivateKey($privateKey),
"to" => $aelf->getGenesisContractAddress(),
"refBlockNumber" => $status['BestChainHeight'],
"refBlockHash" => $status['BestChainHash'],
"methodName" => "GetContractAddressByName",
"params" => json_encode($param)
$rawTransaction = $aelf->createRawTransaction($transaction);

14. Send Raw Transaction

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/sendRawTransaction

  • Parameters:

    • Transaction (raw transaction)
    • Signature (signature)
    • ReturnTransaction (indicates whether to return transaction)
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$rawTransaction = $aelf->createRawTransaction($transaction);
$transactionId = hash('sha256', hex2bin($rawTransaction['RawTransaction']));
$sign = $aelf->getSignatureWithPrivateKey($privateKey, $transactionId);
$transaction = array('Transaction' => $rawTransaction['RawTransaction'], 'signature' => $sign, 'returnTransaction' => true);
$execute = $aelf->sendRawTransaction($transaction);

15. Execute Raw Transaction

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/executeRawTransaction

  • Method: POST

  • Parameters:

    • RawTransaction (raw transaction)
    • Signature (signature)
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$rawTransaction = $aelf->createRawTransaction($transaction);
$transactionId = hash('sha256', hex2bin($rawTransaction['RawTransaction']));
$sign = $aelf->getSignatureWithPrivateKey($privateKey, $transactionId);
$transaction = array('RawTransaction' => $rawTransaction['RawTransaction'], 'signature' => $sign);
$execute = $aelf->executeRawTransaction($transaction);

16. Get Merkle Path by Transaction ID

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/merklePathByTransactionId

  • Parameters:

    • transactionId (String)
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);
$merklePath = $aelf->getMerklePathByTransactionId($block['Body']['Transactions'][0]);

17. Calculate Transaction Fee

  • API Path: /api/blockChain/calculateTransactionFee

  • Method: POST

  • Parameters:

    • CalculateTransactionFeeInput (Object)
  • Returns:

    • CalculateTransactionFeeOutput (Object)

      • Success - bool
      • TransactionFee - Array
      • ResourceFee - Array
  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$calculateTransactionFeeInputParam = [
"rawTransaction" => $rawTransactionInput,
$result = $aelf->calculateTransactionFee($calculateTransactionFeeInputParam);

18. Get Network Info

  • API Path: /api/net/networkInfo

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);


19. Get Contract File Descriptor Set

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/contractFileDescriptorSet

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$blockDto = $aelf->getBlockByHeight($blockHeight, false);
$transactionResultDtoList = $aelf->getTransactionResults($blockDto['BlockHash'], 0, 10);
foreach ($transactionResultDtoList as $v) {
$request = $aelf->getContractFileDescriptorSet($v['Transaction']['To']);

20. Get Task Queue Status

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/taskQueueStatus

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$taskQueueStatus = $aelf->getTaskQueueStatus();

21. Execute Transaction

  • API Path: /api/blockchain/executeTransaction

  • Example :

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$methodName = "GetNativeTokenInfo";
$bytes = new Hash();
$bytes->setValue(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Token')));
$toAddress = $aelf->GetContractAddressByName($privateKey, $bytes);
$param = new Hash();
$transaction = $aelf->generateTransaction($fromAddress, $toAddress, $methodName, $param);
$signature = $aelf->signTransaction($privateKey, $transaction);
$executeTransactionDtoObj = ['RawTransaction' => bin2hex($transaction->serializeToString())];
$response = $aelf->executeTransaction($executeTransactionDtoObj);
$tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();

Other Tool Kit

aelf supplies some APIs to simplify development.

1. Get Chain Id

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$chainId = $aelf->getChainId();

2. Generate Transaction

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$param = new Hash();
$transaction = $aelf->generateTransaction($fromAddress, $toAddress, $methodName, $param);

3. Sign Transaction

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$transaction = $aelf->generateTransaction($fromAddress, $toAddress, $methodName, $param);
$signature = $aelf->signTransaction($privateKey, $transaction);

4. Get Genesis Contract Address

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$genesisContractAddress = $aelf->getGenesisContractAddress();

5. Get Address From PubKey

Calculate the account address according to the public key.

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$pubKeyAddress = $aelf->getAddressFromPubKey('04166cf4be901dee1c21f3d97b9e4818f229bec72a5ecd56b5c4d6ce7abfc3c87e25c36fd279db721acf4258fb489b4a4406e6e6e467935d06990be9d134e5741c');

6. Get Formatted Address

Convert the address to the displayed string: symbol_base58-string_base58-string_chain_id.

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$addressVal = $aelf->getFormattedAddress($privateKey, $base58Address);

7. Generate Key Pair Info

Generate a new key pair using ECDSA.

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$pairInfo = $aelf->generateKeyPairInfo();

8. Get Contract Address By Name

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$bytes = new Hash();
$bytes->setValue(hex2bin(hash('sha256', 'AElf.ContractNames.Token')));
$contractAddress = $aelf->GetContractAddressByName($privateKey, $bytes);

9. Get Address From Private Key

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$address = $aelf->getAddressFromPrivateKey($privateKey);

10. Get Signature With Private Key

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$sign = $aelf->getSignatureWithPrivateKey($privateKey, $transactionId);

11. Is Connected

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$isConnected = $this->aelf->isConnected();

12. Get Transaction Fees

Get the transaction fee from the transaction result.

$aelf = new AElf($url);

$block = $aelf->getBlockByHeight(1, true);
$transactionResult = $aelf->getTransactionResult($block['Body']['Transactions'][0]);
$transactionFees = $aelf->getTransactionFees($transactionResult);


Copy code
$aelf = new AElf($url);

$version = $aelf->version;


About contributing

Read out contributing guide

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