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aelf-web3.js - aelf JavaScript API


The aelf-web3.js library for aelf is similar to web3.js for Ethereum. It allows you to interact with a local or remote aelf node using an HTTP connection.

This guide will help you:

  • Install and use aelf-web3.js.

  • Understand the available API.

For more details, check out the repository: aelf-web3.js.


1. Adding aelf-web3.js

Now, You can add aelf-web3.js using npm or directly in your HTML.

npm install aelf-sdk
  • Using Pure js

link dist/aelf.umd.js

2. Create an AElf Instance

Set up your AElf instance and connect to a provider.


const AElf = require("aelf-sdk");
const aelf = new AElf(
new AElf.providers.HttpProvider("")

Frontend (Using PureJs)

  • Include the script in your HTML file:
<script src=""></script>
const aelf = new AElf(new AElf.providers.HttpProvider(''));

3. Choose the Right Package

You can skip this step, if Adding aelf-web3.js is enough

The dist directory provides packages for different environments.

dist/aelf.cjs.jsFor node.js, excludes node built-in modules like crypto.
dist/aelf.umd.jsFor browsers, includes necessary node built-in modules.

For Beginner in Frontend

  • Add the UMD package to your HTML:
<!-- minified version with UMD module -->
<script src=""></script>

4. Use with Bundlers

If you want to use a bundler like Webpack or Rollup, import the specified version of the package files.

For Browser (Using UMD)

  • Set up Webpack:
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
"aelf-sdk$": "aelf-sdk/dist/aelf.umd.js",
  • Set up Rollup:
const alias = require("rollup-plugin-alias");

// ...
plugins: [
"aelf-sdk": require.resolve("aelf-sdk/dist/aelf.umd.js"),

For Node.js (Using CommonJS)

  • Set up Webpack:
module.exports = {
// ...
resolve: {
alias: {
"aelf-sdk$": "aelf-sdk/dist/aelf.cjs.js",
  • Set up Rollup:
const alias = require("rollup-plugin-alias");

// ...
plugins: [
"aelf-sdk": require.resolve("aelf-sdk/dist/aelf.cjs.js"),


  • aelf-web3.js is the same as aelf-sdk.
  • aelf-sdk is the package name on npm.

For more detailed usage and examples, refer to the aelf-web3.js repository.

Development 🔨

1. Install Development Dependencies

  • install the required development dependencies:
yarn install

2. Write Your Code

  • Create your file under the src directory.
  • Write your logic in the newly created file.

3. Integrate Your Module

  • Check src/index to see if you need to add your new module as an attribute to the AElf instance.
  • Execute yarn link in the root directory. This creates a global symbolic link to this package and stores it in the global node_modules directory.
yarn link
  • When using yarn link aelf-sdk in other directories, ensure the version of the package is correct. Inconsistent node versions can sometimes cause issues with linking the incorrect version of aelf-web3.js.
yarn link aelf-sdk

6. Test Your Code

  • Try out the logic you just wrote to make sure everything works as expected.


  • To lint your code, run:
yarn lint

Running Tests

  • To run unit tests, execute:
# Unit tests
yarn test

Basic usage


You can also see full example here - Examples

Create Instance

import AElf from "aelf-sdk";

// Create a new instance of AElf
const aelf = new AElf(
new AElf.providers.HttpProvider("")

Create or Load a Wallet

// Create a new wallet
const newWallet = AElf.wallet.createNewWallet();

// Load a wallet by private key
const privateKeyWallet = AElf.wallet.getWalletByPrivateKey("your-private-key");

// Load a wallet by mnemonic
const mnemonicWallet = AElf.wallet.getWalletByMnemonic("your-mnemonic");

Get a System Contract Address

const tokenContractName = "AElf.ContractNames.Token";
let tokenContractAddress;

(async () => {
// Get chain status
const chainStatus = await aelf.chain.getChainStatus();
// Get genesis contract address
const GenesisContractAddress = chainStatus.GenesisContractAddress;
// Get genesis contract instance
const zeroContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(
// Get contract address by the read-only method 'GetContractAddressByName' of genesis contract
tokenContractAddress = await

Get a Contract Instance

const wallet = AElf.wallet.createNewWallet();
let tokenContract;

// Async method
(async () => {
tokenContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(tokenContractAddress, wallet);

// Promise method
aelf.chain.contractAt(tokenContractAddress, wallet).then((result) => {
tokenContract = result;

// Callback method
aelf.chain.contractAt(tokenContractAddress, wallet, (error, result) => {
if (error) throw error;
tokenContract = result;

Use Contract Instance

How to use a contract instance. You can call methods in two ways: read-only and send transaction.

(async () => {
// Read-only method: Get the balance of an address
const balanceResult = await{
symbol: "ELF",
owner: "7s4XoUHfPuqoZAwnTV7pHWZAaivMiL8aZrDSnY9brE1woa8vz",
"symbol": "ELF",
"owner": "7s4XoUHfPuqoZAwnTV7pHWZAaivMiL8aZrDSnY9brE1woa8vz",
"balance": "1000000000000"

// Send transaction method: Transfer tokens
const transactionId = await tokenContract.Transfer({
symbol: "ELF",
to: "7s4XoUHfPuqoZAwnTV7pHWZAaivMiL8aZrDSnY9brE1woa8vz",
amount: "1000000000",
memo: "transfer in demo",
"TransactionId": "123123"

Change the Node Endpoint

import AElf from "aelf-sdk";

const aelf = new AElf(
new AElf.providers.HttpProvider("")
new AElf.providers.HttpProvider("")


Access the Web API of your aelf node at {chainAddress}/swagger/index.html



Create an instance of AElf:

import AElf from "aelf-sdk";

// Change the URL if needed
const aelf = new AElf(new AElf.providers.HttpProvider(""));

1. Get Chain Status

Get the current status of the blockchain.

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/chainStatus

  • Method: GET

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns: Object

    • ChainId - String
    • Branches - Object
    • NotLinkedBlocks - Object
    • LongestChainHeight - Number
    • LongestChainHash - String
    • GenesisBlockHash - String
    • GenesisContractAddress - String
    • LastIrreversibleBlockHash - String
    • LastIrreversibleBlockHeight - Number
    • BestChainHash - String
    • BestChainHeight - Number


aelf.chain.getChainStatus().then((res) => {

2. Get Contract File Descriptor Set

Get the protobuf definitions related to a contract.

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/contractFileDescriptorSet
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: contractAddress (String)
  • Returns: String.


aelf.chain.getContractFileDescriptorSet(contractAddress).then((res) => {

3. Get Block Height

Get the current best height of the chain.

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/blockHeight
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: Number.


aelf.chain.getBlockHeight().then((res) => {

4. Get Block

Get block information by block hash.

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/block

  • Method: GET

  • Parameters:

    • blockHash (String)
    • includeTransactions (Boolean)
      • true require transaction ids list in the block
      • false Doesn’t require transaction ids list in the block
  • Returns: Object

    • BlockHash - String

    • Header - Object

      • PreviousBlockHash - String
      • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - String
      • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - String
      • Extra - Array
      • Height - Number
      • Time - google.protobuf.Timestamp
      • ChainId - String
      • Bloom - String
      • SignerPubkey - String
    • Body - Object

      • TransactionsCount - Number
      • Transactions - Array
        • transactionId - String


aelf.chain.getBlock(blockHash, false).then((res) => {

5. Get Block By Height

Get block information by block height.

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/blockByHeight

  • Method: GET

  • Parameters:

    • blockHash (String)
    • includeTransactions (Boolean)
      • true require transaction ids list in the block
      • false Doesn’t require transaction ids list in the block
  • Returns: Object

    • BlockHash - String

    • Header - Object

      • PreviousBlockHash - String
      • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - String
      • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - String
      • Extra - Array
      • Height - Number
      • Time - google.protobuf.Timestamp
      • ChainId - String
      • Bloom - String
      • SignerPubkey - String
    • Body - Object

      • TransactionsCount - Number
      • Transactions - Array
        • transactionId - String


aelf.chain.getBlockByHeight(12, false).then((res) => {

6. Get Contract View Method List

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/ContractViewMethodList
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: address (String)
  • Returns: Array - The array of view method name


.then((res) => {

7. Get Transaction Result

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionResult
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: transactionId (String)
  • Returns: Object
    • TransactionId - String
    • Status - String
    • Logs - Array
    • Address - String
    • Name - String
    • Indexed - Array
    • NonIndexed - Number
    • Bloom - String
    • BlockNumber - Number
    • Transaction - Object
    • From - String
    • To - String
    • RefBlockNumber - Number
    • RefBlockPrefix - String
    • MethodName - String
    • Params - Object
    • Signature - String
    • ReadableReturnValue - Object
    • Error - String


aelf.chain.getTxResult(transactionId).then((res) => {

8. Get Merkle Path By TxId

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/merklePathByTransactionId
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • transactionId (String)
  • Returns:
    • MerklePathNodes - The array of merklePathNodes:
      • Hash - String
      • IsLeftChildNode - String


aelf.chain.merklePathByTransactionId(txId).then((res) => {

9. Get Multiple Transaction Results

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionResults
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • blockHash (String)
    • offset (Number)
    • limit (Number)
  • Returns:
    • Array - The array of method descriptions:
      • the transaction result object


aelf.chain.getTxResults(blockHash, 0, 2).then((res) => {

10. Get Transaction Pool Status

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/transactionPoolStatus
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: None

11. Send Transaction

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/sendTransaction
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Object (Serialized protobuf data with RawTransaction string)
    • RawTransaction - String

12. Send Multiple Transactions

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/sendTransactions
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Object (Serialized protobuf data with RawTransaction string)
    • RawTransaction - String

13. Call Read-Only Method

Call a read-only method on a contract.

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Object (Serialized protobuf data with RawTransaction string)
    • RawTransaction - String
  • Returns: Method call result

14. Get Peers

Get peer info about the connected network nodes.

  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: withMetrics (Boolean)
    • true with metrics
    • false without metrics

15. Add Peer

Attempts to add a node to the connected network nodes

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Object The object with the following structure :
    • Address - String

16. Remove Peer

Attempts to remove a node from the connected network nodes

  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters: address (String)

17. Calculate Transaction Fee

  • Web API Path: /api/blockChain/calculateTransactionFee
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: CalculateTransactionFeeInput (Object with RawTransaction string):
    • RawTransaction - String
  • Returns: CalculateTransactionFeeOutput (Object with fee details):
    • Success - Bool
    • TransactionFee - Array
    • ResourceFee - Array


aelf.chain.calculateTransactionFee(rawTransaction).then((res) => {

16. Network Info

  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: Network connection info


AElf.wallet is a static property of AElf.

1. createNewWallet


  • Object

    • mnemonic - String: The mnemonic phrase for the wallet.
    • BIP44Path - String: The BIP44 path, formatted as m/purpose’/coin_type’/account’/change/address_index.
    • childWallet - Object: The Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet object.
    • keyPair - String: The elliptic curve (EC) key pair.
    • privateKey - String: The private key for the wallet.
    • address - String: The wallet address.


import AElf from "aelf-sdk";
const wallet = AElf.wallet.createNewWallet();

2. getWalletByMnemonic

Retrieves a wallet using a mnemonic phrase.


  • mnemonic - String: The mnemonic phrase of the wallet.


  • Object: The complete wallet object.


const wallet = AElf.wallet.getWalletByMnemonic(mnemonic);

3. getWalletByPrivateKey

Retrieves a wallet using a private key.


  • privateKey - String: The mnemonic phrase of the wallet.


  • Object: The complete wallet object, with an empty mnemonic.


const wallet = AElf.wallet.getWalletByPrivateKey(privateKey);

4. signTransaction

Signs a transaction using the wallet's key pair.


  • rawTxn - String: The raw transaction data.
  • keyPair - String: The key pair to sign the transaction.


  • Object: The signed transaction object.


const result = AElf.wallet.signTransaction(rawTxn, keyPair);

5. AESEncrypt

Encrypts a string using the AES algorithm.


  • input - String: The input string to encrypt.
  • password - String: The password to use for encryption.


  • String: The encrypted string.

6. AESDecrypt

Decrypts a string using the AES algorithm.


  • input - String: The encrypted string.
  • password - String: The password used for encryption.


  • String: The decrypted string.

These are the detailed functions and their usages for the AElf.wallet API. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!


Reference to protobuf.js. For detailed usage, refer to the protobuf.js documentation.


Provides basic format methods for aelf. For detailed code, see src/utils/proto.js.


Contains utility methods for aelf. For detailed code, see src/utils/utils.js.

Check address

Example to check if an address is valid using base58 utility from aelf.


const AElf = require("aelf-sdk");
const { base58 } = AElf.utils;

try {
base58.decode("$address"); // replace '$address' with actual address
console.log("Valid address");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Invalid address", error);


import AElf from "aelf-sdk";
console.log(AElf.version); // outputs the version, e.g., 3.2.23


To use aelf SDK, you need:


browsers node

About contributing

Read out contributing guide

About Version

AElf SDK follows Semantic Versioning. For more details, refer to