Expense Tracker dApp
Description: The Expense Tracker dApp is a decentralized application that enables users to manage and monitor their personal finances on the aelf blockchain. It provides a user-friendly interface for recording expenses, categorizing them, and tracking spending habits, with all data securely stored and verified on the aelf blockchain.
Purpose: The purpose of the Expense Tracker dApp is to showcase the integration of personal finance management with blockchain technology, offering enhanced transparency and security for users' financial data. It serves as a practical example of decentralized applications in everyday use cases, while also providing a learning platform for smart contract development and blockchain-based financial solutions.
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Step 1 - Setting up your development environment
- Local
- Codespaces
- Basic knowledge of terminal commands
- IDE - Install VS Code
Install Required Packages
- Install dotnet 8.0.x SDK
- Install aelf contract templates
- Linux and macOs
- Windows
dotnet new --install AElf.ContractTemplates
dotnet new install AElf.ContractTemplates
AELF.ContractTemplates contains various predefined templates for the ease of developing smart contracts on the aelf blockchain.
- Install aelf deploy tool
dotnet tool install --global aelf.deploy
aelf.deploy is a utility tool for deploying smart contracts on the aelf blockchain. Please remember to export PATH after installing aelf.deploy.
ℹ️ Note: If you have installed aelf.deploy and your terminal says that there is no such command available, please uninstall and install aelf.deploy.
Install Node.js and Yarn
Install aelf-command
- Linux and macOs
- Windows
sudo npm i -g aelf-command
npm i -g aelf-command
aelf-command is a CLI tool for interacting with the aelf blockchain, enabling tasks like creating wallets and managing transactions. Provide required permissions while installing aelf-command globally.
- Visit aelf-devcontainer-template.
- Click the
Use this template
button. ChooseCreate a new repository
. - Enter a suitable repository name. Click
Create repository
. - Within the GitHub interface of your new repository, click on
. SelectCodespaces
. - Click on the
sign to create a new Codespace. - After some time, your workspace will load with the contents of the repository. You can now continue your development using GitHub Codespaces.
Step 2 - Develop Smart Contract
Start Your Smart Contract Project
Open your
. -
Enter the following command to generate a new project:
mkdir expense-tracker-dapp
cd expense-tracker-dapp
dotnet new aelf -n ExpenseTracker
Adding Your Smart Contract Code
Now that we have a template Expense Tracker project, we can customise the template to incorporate our own contract logic. Let's start by implementing methods to handle the basic functionality of adding an expense, updating a selected expense, deleting a selected expense, list all the expenses, and retrieves the details of a specific expense within the contract state. Expense tracker dApp includes the below functionalities like:
- AddExpense: Adds a new expense to the contract state.
- UpdateExpense: Updates an existing expense’s details such as description, category, amount, and currency.
- DeleteExpense: Deletes an expense based on the given expense ID.
- ListExpenses: Lists all expenses associated with a specific owner.
- GetExpense: Retrieves the details of a specific expense based on the provided expense ID.
- Enter this command in your
cd src
Defining Methods and Messages
- Rename the proto file name
inside folderProtobuf/contract/
mv Protobuf/contract/hello_world_contract.proto Protobuf/contract/expense_tracker.proto
The .proto
file defines the structure and serialization of data, ensuring consistent communication and data exchange between the contract and external systems.
- Open the project with your IDE.
The implementation of expense_tracker.proto
file inside folder src/Protobuf/contract/
is as follows:
syntax = "proto3";
import "aelf/options.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "Protobuf/reference/acs12.proto";
// The namespace of this class
option csharp_namespace = "AElf.Contracts.ExpenseTracker";
service ExpenseTracker {
option (aelf.csharp_state) = "AElf.Contracts.ExpenseTracker.ExpenseTrackerState";
option (aelf.base) = "Protobuf/reference/acs12.proto";
rpc Initialize (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
rpc AddExpense (ExpenseInput) returns (google.protobuf.StringValue) {
rpc UpdateExpense (ExpenseUpdateInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
rpc DeleteExpense (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
rpc ListExpenses (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (ExpenseList) {
option (aelf.is_view) = true;
rpc GetExpense (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (Expense) {
option (aelf.is_view) = true;
rpc GetInitialStatus (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue) {
option (aelf.is_view) = true;
message Expense {
string expense_id = 1;
string description = 2;
string category = 3;
int64 amount = 4; // Store as cents
string currency = 5;
string owner = 6;
int64 created_at = 7;
int64 updated_at = 8;
message ExpenseInput {
string description = 1;
string category = 2;
int64 amount = 3; // Store as cents
string currency = 4;
message ExpenseUpdateInput {
string expense_id = 1;
string description = 2;
string category = 3;
int64 amount = 4; // Store as cents
string currency = 5;
message ExpenseList {
repeated Expense expenses = 1;
methods define the callable functions within the contract, allowing external systems to interact with the contract's logic.message
represent the structured data exchanged between the contract and external systems.
Define Contract States
The implementation of the Expense Tracker smart contract state inside file src/ExpenseTrackerState.cs
is as follows:
using AElf.Sdk.CSharp.State;
using AElf.Types;
namespace AElf.Contracts.ExpenseTracker
public class ExpenseTrackerState : ContractState
public BoolState Initialized { get; set; }
public SingletonState<Address> Owner { get; set; }
public MappedState<string, Expense> Expenses { get; set; } // Mapping of expense ID to Expense
public MappedState<string, bool> ExpenseExistence { get; set; } // Mapping to track expense existence
public StringState ExpenseIds { get; set; } // Concatenated string of expense IDs
public Int32State ExpenseCounter { get; set; } // Counter for generating unique IDs
- The
file in the aelf blockchain smart contract holds the variables that store the contract's data, making sure this data is saved and accessible whenever the contract needs it.
Implement Expense Tracker Smart Contract
The implementation of the Expense Tracker smart contract inside file src/ExpenseTracker.cs
is as follows:
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AElf.Contracts.ExpenseTracker
public class ExpenseTracker : ExpenseTrackerContainer.ExpenseTrackerBase
public override Empty Initialize(Empty input)
if (State.Initialized.Value)
return new Empty();
State.Initialized.Value = true;
State.Owner.Value = Context.Sender;
State.ExpenseIds.Value = "";
State.ExpenseCounter.Value = 0;
return new Empty();
public override StringValue AddExpense(ExpenseInput input)
if (!State.Initialized.Value)
return new StringValue { Value = "Contract not initialized." };
var expenseId = (State.ExpenseCounter.Value + 1).ToString();
var timestamp = Context.CurrentBlockTime.Seconds;
State.Expenses[expenseId] = new Expense
ExpenseId = expenseId,
Description = input.Description,
Category = input.Category,
Amount = input.Amount, // Now using int64 for amount
Currency = input.Currency,
CreatedAt = timestamp,
UpdatedAt = timestamp,
Owner = Context.Sender.ToString().Trim('"'),
State.ExpenseExistence[expenseId] = true;
var existingExpenseIds = State.ExpenseIds.Value;
existingExpenseIds += string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingExpenseIds) ? expenseId : $",{expenseId}";
State.ExpenseIds.Value = existingExpenseIds;
return new StringValue { Value = expenseId };
public override Empty UpdateExpense(ExpenseUpdateInput input)
var expense = State.Expenses[input.ExpenseId];
if (expense == null)
return new Empty(); // Handle case if expense doesn't exist
expense.Description = input.Description ?? expense.Description;
expense.Category = input.Category ?? expense.Category;
expense.Amount = input.Amount != 0 ? input.Amount : expense.Amount; // Now using int64 for amount
expense.Currency = input.Currency ?? expense.Currency;
expense.UpdatedAt = Context.CurrentBlockTime.Seconds;
State.Expenses[input.ExpenseId] = expense;
return new Empty();
public override Empty DeleteExpense(StringValue input)
var existingExpenseIds = State.ExpenseIds.Value.Split(',');
var newExpenseIds = new List<string>(existingExpenseIds.Length);
foreach (var expenseId in existingExpenseIds)
if (expenseId != input.Value)
State.ExpenseIds.Value = string.Join(",", newExpenseIds);
return new Empty();
public override ExpenseList ListExpenses(StringValue input)
var owner = input.Value; // Get the owner value from the input
var expenseList = new ExpenseList();
var expenseIds = State.ExpenseIds.Value.Split(',');
foreach (var expenseId in expenseIds)
var expense = State.Expenses[expenseId];
if (expense != null && expense.Owner == owner) // Filter expenses by owner
return expenseList;
public override Expense GetExpense(StringValue input)
var expense = State.Expenses[input.Value];
if (expense == null)
return new Expense { ExpenseId = input.Value, Description = "Expense not found." };
return expense;
public override BoolValue GetInitialStatus(Empty input)
return new BoolValue { Value = State.Initialized.Value };
Building Smart Contract
- Build the smart contract code with the following command inside
dotnet build
You should see ExpenseTracker.dll.patched in the directory ExpenseTracker/src/bin/Debug/net.6.0
Step 3 - Deploy Smart Contract
Create A Wallet
To send transactions on the aelf blockchain, you must have a wallet.
- Run this command to create aelf wallet.
aelf-command create
- You will be prompted to save your account, please do save your account as shown below:
? Save account info into a file? (Y/n) Y
Make sure to choose Y to save your account information.
ℹ️ Note: If you do not save your account information (by selecting n or N), do not export the wallet password. Only proceed to the next step if you have saved your account information.
- Next, enter and confirm your password. Then export your wallet password as shown below:
- Linux and macOs
- Windows
Acquire Testnet Tokens (Faucet) for Development
To deploy smart contracts or execute on-chain transactions on aelf, you'll require testnet ELF tokens.
Get ELF Tokens
Go to https://faucet-ui.aelf.dev Enter your address and click Get Tokens
Deploy Smart Contract:
The smart contract needs to be deployed on the chain before users can interact with it.
Run the following command to deploy a contract. Remember to export the path of ExpenseTracker.dll.patched to CONTRACT_PATH.
- Linux and macOs
- Windows
export CONTRACT_PATH=$(find ~+ . -path "*patched*" | head -n 1)
aelf-deploy -a $WALLET_ADDRESS -p $WALLET_PASSWORD -c $CONTRACT_PATH -e https://tdvw-test-node.aelf.io/
$CONTRACT_PATH = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "*patched*" | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
aelf-deploy -a $env:WALLET_ADDRESS -p $env:WALLET_PASSWORD -c $env:CONTRACT_PATH -e https://tdvw-test-node.aelf.io/
Please wait for approximately 1 to 2 minutes. If the deployment is successful, it will provide you with the contract address.
Copy the smart contract address from the
field -
Export your smart contract address:
- Linux and macOs
- Windows