Type and Namespace Restrictions
When deploying new contract code, Nodes perform checks against a whitelist. If any type used in the code is not listed in the whitelist, or if the method access or type name is denied, the deployment will fail. This ensures that only approved types and namespaces can be utilized within the contract code.
Assembly Dependencies
Assembly | Trust |
netstandard.dll | Partial |
System.Runtime.dll | Partial |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll | Partial |
System.Private.CoreLib.dll | Partial |
System.ObjectModel.dll | Partial |
System.Linq.dll | Full |
System.Collections | Full |
Google.Protobuf.dll | Full |
AElf.Sdk.CSharp.dll | Full |
AElf.Types.dll | Full |
AElf.CSharp.Core.dll | Full |
AElf.Cryptography.dll | Full |
Types and Members Whitelist in System Namespace
Type | Member (Field / Method) | Allowed |
Array | AsReadOnly | Allowed |
Func<T> | ALL | Allowed |
Func<T,T> | ALL | Allowed |
Func<T,T,T> | ALL | Allowed |
Nullable<T> | ALL | Allowed |
Environment | CurrentManagedThreadId | Allowed |
BitConverter | GetBytes | Allowed |
NotImplementedException | ALL | Allowed |
NotSupportedException | ALL | Allowed |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | ALL | Allowed |
DateTime | Partially | Allowed |
DateTime | Now, UtcNow, Today | Denied |
Uri | TryCreate | Allowed |
Uri | Scheme | Allowed |
Uri | UriSchemeHttp | Allowed |
Uri | UriSchemeHttps | Allowed |
void | ALL | Allowed |
object | ALL | Allowed |
Type | ALL | Allowed |
IDisposable | ALL | Allowed |
Convert | ALL | Allowed |
Math | ALL | Allowed |
bool | ALL | Allowed |
byte | ALL | Allowed |
sbyte | ALL | Allowed |
char | ALL | Allowed |
int | ALL | Allowed |
uint | ALL | Allowed |
long | ALL | Allowed |
ulong | ALL | Allowed |
decimal | ALL | Allowed |
string | ALL | Allowed |
string | Constructor | Denied |
Byte[] | ALL | Allowed |
Types and Members Whitelist in System.Reflection Namespace
Type | Member (Field / Method) | Allowed |
AssemblyCompanyAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
AssemblyConfigurationAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
AssemblyFileVersionAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
AssemblyProductAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
AssemblyTitleAttribute | ALL | Allowed |
Other Whitelisted Namespaces
Namespace | Type | Member | Allowed |
System.Linq | ALL | ALL | Allowed |
System.Collections | ALL | ALL | Allowed |
System.Collections.Generic | ALL | ALL | Allowed |
System.Collections.ObjectModel | ALL | ALL | Allowed |
System.Globalization | CultureInfo | InvariantCulture | Allowed |
System.Runtime.CompilerServices | RuntimeHelpers | InitializeArray | Allowed |
System.Text | Encoding | UTF8, GetByteCount | Allowed |
Allowed Types for Arrays
Type | Array Size Limit |
byte | 40960 |
short | 20480 |
int | 10240 |
long | 5120 |
ushort | 20480 |
uint | 10240 |
ulong | 5120 |
decimal | 2560 |
char | 20480 |
string | 320 |
Type | 5 |
Object | 5 |
FileDescriptor | 10 |
GeneratedClrTypeInfo | 100 |