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Application Pattern

We follow generally accepted good practices in programming, especially those that align with our project needs. Some of these practices are specific to C#, while others pertain to general Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles like SOLID and DRY.

Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

Although it's uncommon for blockchain projects, we adhere to a Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach in our development style. This approach is partly due to the compatibility of our main framework with DDD, making it a natural design philosophy for us.

Key Points of DDD:

  • Four Traditional Layers:
    • Presentation: This corresponds to any type of dApp (Decentralized Application).
    • Application: Exposed services mapped to different domains.
    • Domain: Specific events related to our blockchain system and domain objects.
    • Infrastructure: Third-party libraries for database, networking, etc.

For more details, refer to our coding standards listed in our GitHub issue.

Frameworks and Libraries

The primary programming language used for developing aelf is C#, and it's built with the dotnet core framework. This choice was made due to the excellent performance of the framework. Dotnet core is also cross-platform, supporting Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It is a dynamic and open-source framework, offering many advantages of modern development patterns and backed by major players in the IT industry.

Key Frameworks and Tools:

  • ABP Framework:

    • We use the ABP application framework.
    • It is a natural fit for building blockchain nodes, which are sets of endpoints like RPC, P2P, and cross-chain communication, with higher-level protocols on top.
  • Testing:

    • We use the XUnit framework for unit tests.
    • Additionally, we have custom-made frameworks for testing smart contracts.
  • Communication:

    • For cross-chain and P2P network communication, we use gRPC.
    • We use Protobuf for serialization purposes.

By following these practices and utilizing these tools, we ensure that our development process is efficient, reliable, and scalable.