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aelf and AI

1. What is the relationship between aelf and AI? How does aelf integrate AI? How does AI integrate with aelf?

What is the relationship between aelf and AI? How does aelf integrate AI? How does AI integrate with aelf?

The integration of AI into the aelf ecosystem marks a significant advancement in the blockchain’s operational capabilities which not only optimises performance and security, but also plays a crucial role in transitioning mass Web2 users to Web3 by significantly improving the overall user and developer experience.

The integration of AI into aelf and vice versa, can be broadly categorised into two main areas; 1) Operational Excellence and 2) Developer and User Experience.

Through AI, aelf will achieve operational excellence by enhancing efficiency (eg. Machine learning models for smart contract optimisation, AI-powered oracles), improved scalability (eg. Intelligent load balancing) and optimised consensus mechanisms (eg. AI-driven node selection and validation). Similarly, AI helps aelf improve developer and user experience by enabling non-technical users to create dApps with natural language processing (NLP) as well as automating smart contract audits using latest AI-driven best practices. For more information regarding how aelf integrates AI and vice versa, please refer here.